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Example code

To quickly get things started we have created an example-app and an example-server. This will allow you to browse, view and configure your catalogue data.


If you are using Public AccessTokens you will not need the example-server.


First, let’s make sure that your development environment is ready.

  • Make sure you have Node.js installed
    • You’ll need Node.js version 10.X or later, but we recommend 12.X.
  • Make sure you have Yarn installed.
    • Don't forget to do the "Path Setup" part if you are on Linux / macOS.
    • You'll need Yarn 1. Currently it's not compatible with Yarn 2 or later.

To manage our packages we use Lerna, which is a tool that optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and npm.

yarn global add lerna

The code for our Example App and Example Server is hosted in a GitLab repository, so you'll need to clone it. Please note that this is private repository and is invite only.

git clone
cd cfg-web-sdk

Before starting the app you'll need to install all dependencies and build our packages.

lerna bootstrap
lerna run build --stream --ignore='@configura/web-sdk-docs' --ignore='@configura/example-*' --ignore='@configura/test-app'

Get started

To use Public AccessToken you need to modify the useAuth.ts file in the example-app. Set the PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN constant to your Public AccessToken ID.

Once the useAuth.ts file has been modified and saved it is time to start the Example App.

lerna run start --scope='@configura/example-app'

Running test app

We have developed a test tool where you can step through all products in your catalogues. To run the test app add --scope='@configura/test-app' to the lerna run start command.

If you run with Public AccessTokens you will need to modify useAuth.ts in the test-app in the same way as for the Example App.

Running documentation locally

If you want to run this documentation locally you can do so by adding --scope='@configura/web-sdk-docs' to the lerna run start command.