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Package overview

We have two types of packages; pre-built packages used as components by you and code reference packages meant for you to use as reference on how an implementation can be made.

NPM packages


A WebGL based renderer for products fetched through the API. It uses Babylon. This is the easiest way to display your Products in glorious interactive 3D on the web, except if you are using React. Then babylon-view-react is even easier.


A React-wrapper for babylon-view. It wraps the SingleProductView.


Package containing debug tools written in React. As of now it only contains the Exerciser.


App containing tools for testing Products and Catalogues. As of now it only contains the Exerciser.


Contains methods for accessing the Catalogue API, including helper methods and classes. We strongly suggest you make use of it when accessing the Catalogue API.


Contains methods for accessing the Catalogue Auth API. If you can we suggest you make use of it when accessing the Catalogue Auth API.


Contains code for reading a selection of the file and data formats used in Catalogues. If you use the babylon-view-package to display your Products you will not have to directly use this package on your own. We suggest you try and stick with just babylon-view if you can, as it is designed to make your life easier.


React components for displaying Product Configuration, including GUI etc. You can use this just for testing, or in production if you feel that the default components fulfill your usability needs and that your customizations needs can be done using CSS overrides.


A smorgasbord of utility functions used by our other packages. You do not have to use this package, but feel free to if you like.

Implementation reference packages


A complete React-based example of a fully functional Web Configurator, including catalogue browsing, Product Configuration and 3D-viewing.


An example implementation on how to retrieve and issue SessionTokens.